Damariscotta Historical Society
Located at 3 Chapman Street in historic downtown Damariscotta

About DHS
The Damariscotta Historical Society has been collecting and recording Town history since the early 1960’s when we became an active organization. In 1998 the society was formally established as a non-profit organization. Members met regularly and stored memorabilia at the Damariscotta Town Office until 2022 when a permanent home was purchased by DHS. Our 3 Chapman Street location has greatly expanded the scope of activities and programs offered. With a large gathering room for meetings as well as several display and research rooms, we will soon grow our membership and share our collections with the community.
"Sharing Our Heritage with Community and Friends"
We’re Growing
Our mission to preserve and protect historical memorabilia is ongoing with an emphasis on sharing our history. Damariscotta Historical Society strives to actively engage the community with educational programs, lectures, exhibits, and special events.
In 2023 the Damariscotta Historical Society is celebrating its 25th year anniversary.
The dedication of our members and the support of residents and friends will take us into an exciting new phase. Our goal is to continue the ideas of the founders with renewed concentration on outreach and education. Our history, including people of the dawn, early settlers, colonists, and Victorians through the mid-21st century, will be explored in our programming.
History grows with each passing decade. It is our intent to honor, record, and preserve our history for generations to come.
Our motto expresses our purpose: “Sharing Our Heritage with Community and Friends.”
Contact DHS
Damariscotta Historical Society
3 Chapman Street
PO Box 1154
Damariscotta, ME